Ajay Suresha Sathya


Hall of Mirrors, Versailles Palace, Paris.

I am a Post-Doc in the Willow Research Team at Inria Paris and the Computer Science Department of ENS Paris, where my research is done in collaboration with Justin Carpentier and Stéphane Caron. I previously obtained my PhD in Mechanical Engineering from KU Leuven in the MECO Research Team supervised by Jan Swevers, Goele Pipeleers and Wilm Decré.

selected publications

  1. Constrained articulated body dynamics algorithms
    Ajay Suresha Sathya, and Justin Carpentier
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2024
  2. Efficient Constrained Dynamics Algorithms Based on an Equivalent LQR Formulation Using Gauss’ Principle of Least Constraint
    Ajay Suresha Sathya, Herman Bruyninckx, Wilm Decré, and Goele Pipeleers
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2024